Decision making is the process of a course
of action from among alternatives. It is pervasive. Koontz said “decision
making is the core of planning”
7 Steps in Decision Making:
from Identification to Implementation
1. Identify
a problem or opportunity
- The first step is to recognize a problem or to see opportunities that may be worthwhile.
- Will it really make a difference to our customers?
- How worthwhile will it be to solve this problem or realize this opportunity?
2. Gather
- What is relevant and what is not relevant to the decision?
- What do you need to know before you can make a decision, or that will help you make the right one?
- Who knows, who can help, who has the power and influence to make this happen (or to stop it)?
3. Analyze
the situation
- What alternative courses of action may be available to you?
- What different interpretations of the data may be possible?
4. Develop
- Generate several possible options.
- Be creative and positive.
- Ask “what if” questions.
- How would you like your situation to be?
5. Evaluate
- What criteria should you use to evaluate?
- Evaluate for feasibility, acceptability and desirability.
- Which alternative will best achieve your objectives?
6. Select
a preferred alternative
- Explore the provisional preferred alternative for future possible adverse consequences.
- What problems might it create?
- What are the risks of making this decision?
7. Act
on the decision
- Put a plan in place to implement the decision.
- Have you allocated resources to implement?
- Is the decision accepted and supported by colleagues?
- Are they committed to making the decision work?
Programmed Decisions:
Programmed decisions are routine and repetitive,
and the organization typically develops specific ways to handle them. A
programmed decision might involve determining how products will be arranged on
the shelves of a supermarket. For this kind of routine, repetitive problem,
standard arrangement decisions are typically made according to established
management guidelines.
Non Programmed Decisions:
Non programmed decisions are typically one shot
decisions that are usually less structured than programmed decision.
While making
decisions, the managers may face three different conditions: CERTAINITY, RISK and UNCERTAINITY
the ideal situation for making decisions is one of certainty, which is a
situation in which manager can make accurate decisions because the outcome of
every alternative is known.
RISK: a far
more common situation than decision making under certainty is one of risk,
conditions in which the decision maker is able to estimate the likelihood of
certain outcomes. Under risk, managers have historical data from past personal
experiences or secondary information that lets those assessing probabilities to
different alternatives.
managers do face decision making situations of uncertainty, under these
conditions, the choice of alternative influenced by limited amount of available
information and the psychological orientation of decision maker, an optimistic
manager will follow a maximax choice (maximizing the maximum possible payoff),
a pessimist will follow maximini choice (maximizing the minimum possible
payoff), and a manager who desires to minimize his maximum “regret” will opt
for a minimax choice.
makes us different? One way of classifying people that appears in many systems
of personality profiling is to determine a person's preferences in terms of how
they perceive and respond to the world.
Subjective vs. objectivity preferences
of a time when you were having fun. As you think about it, are you seeing the
experience through your own eyes (subjective view), or can you see your body as
if you are outside of it (objective view)?
population is fairly evenly split between those who naturally take an objective
view and those who take a subjective view.
Subjective perception
with a naturally subjective view tend to be more emotional, as they think and
remember their life very experientially. They also tend to live 'in the
railroad tracks', meeting the future head-on, feeling 'done to' rather than
being in control. Their experiential view will make them more empathetic and
the right encouragement, they also tend to be more easily empathetic with other
people, as they are more accustomed to experiencing the agonies and the
ecstasies of the subjective life.
Objective perception
who see life more objectively prefer to stand back. This does not mean they are
disinterested, only that they find the objective viewpoint a preferable place
to be. Perhaps they find the subjective stance too painful or perhaps they find
it too biased and untruthful of the whole picture. Whatever their reasons, they
prefer to see things from a more disconnected, rational, unemotional viewpoint.
with objective viewpoint are sometimes easier to persuade, as they can see
things from your viewpoint too. However, they are more rational in their
approach and may be good negotiators themselves. Negotiating on objective terms
is, after all, playing on their natural territory.
and Feeling are one of the preferences used. The naming is unfortunately a bit
archaic as thinking is more than thought, and feeling is not about being
over-emotional or fluffy. They are about how we decide: through logic or
through considering people.
decide based primarily on logic, and when they do so, they consider a decision
to be made. They tend to see the world in black and white and dislike
fuzziness. Perhaps because people are so variable, they focus on tangible
things, seeking truth and use of clear rules. At work, they are task-oriented,
seek to create clear value. Interacting with them tends to brief and
business-like. They may be seen as cold and heartless by Feelers.
decide based primarily through social considerations, listening to their heart
and considering the feelings of others. They see life as a human existence and
material things as being subservient to this. They value harmony and use tact
in their interactions with others. At work, they are sociable and
people-oriented and make many decisions based on values (more than value). They
may be seen as unreliable and emotional by Thinkers.
- Be brief and concise.
- Be logical; don’t ramble with no apparent purpose.
- Be intellectually critical and objective.
- Be calm and reasonable.
- Don’t assume that feelings are unimportant; they may have a different value.
- Present feelings and emotions as additional facts to be weighed in a decision.
- Introduce yourself and get to know the person; full acceptance may take a considerable amount of time.
- Be personable and friendly.
- Demonstrate empathy by showing areas of agreement first.
- Show how the idea will affect people and what people’s reaction would be.
- Be aware that how you communicate is as important as what you’re communicating.
- Let them talk about personal impact; accept decisions that may not be based on facts.
make many decisions, and sometimes we are more or less logical about them. And
it is arguable that all decision are, ultimately emotional.
is a cognitive process where the outcome is a choice between alternatives. We
often have different preferences as to our preferred, approach, varying between
thinking and feeling.
Logical decision-making
we use logic to make decisions, we seek to exclude emotions, using only
rational methods, and perhaps even mathematical tools. The foundation of such
decisions is the principle of utility,
whereby the value of each option is assessed by assigning criteria (often
Emotional decision-making
is a whole range of decision-making that uses emotion, depending on the degree
of logic that is included in the process. A totally emotional decision is
typically very fast. This is because it takes time (at least 0.1 seconds) for
the rational cortex to get going. This is the reactive (and largely
subconscious) decision-making that you encounter in heated arguments or when
faced with immediate danger. Common emotional decisions may use some logic, but
the main driving force is emotion, which either overrides logic or uses a
pseudo-logic to support emotional choices (this is extremely common). Another
common use of emotion in decision is to start with logic and then use emotion
in the final choice.
Always emotional decision?
at the point of decision, emotions are very important for choosing. In fact
even with what we believe are logical decisions, the very point of choice is
arguably always based on emotion. We talk about decisions that feel or seem
right. When logical decisions are wrong, we will often feel that this is so.
Emotions are perhaps signals from the subconscious that tell us a lot about
what we really choose.
Subconscious in charge?
even stranger factor is research where the subject's brain was wired up to
recorders and the subject was asked to simply press a red button at any time.
The notion You might notice that STJs are 24% of the population. This
'Left-side bias' is unsurprising, as our schools are workplaces tend very much
to encourage logic and structure. This makes life particularly difficult for
the NFPs of the world, but like left-handed tennis players, those that can
handle the other side tend to excel. If you want someone else to make a
decision, first find how emotional or logical they prefer to be in that
process, and follow their their normal preferences.
are decision making styles important? In the process of making an important decision, using the
wrong style can lead to disaster. Imagine a commander using a consensus
decision style while in the middle of a battle where every second could cost
lives. Alternatively, using an autocratic style for a highly complex strategic
decision could cut off the decision maker from the valuable input of functional
What's the hurry?
critical balance must be maintained between how long it takes to make a
decision and the time it takes to gather and analyze the information necessary
to make a sound decision. Sounds like another decision... You bet.
What about rational vs. emotional decision making?
has a part to play. After all, humans are emotional beings. The key is to find
the right balance between the emotional and rational components for a decision.
We have found that the higher the value of a decision, the more important it is
to move toward a rational decision style. No one likes the negative emotions
brought on by buyer's remorse, a clear signal that more analysis should have
been used in making the decision.
So what does this mean for you?
- Recognize that your decision style influences the effectiveness of your decisions.
- Before you make a decision think about the style that would be best for the decision you need to make.
- Build your decision making skills so that you are better equipped to make the decisions you need to make.
To learn more about common styles follow these links.
Collaborative Decision
collaborative decision making style will generally increase the effectiveness
of your decisions.
Emotional Decision
decision making is part of who we are and, when appropriately incorporated,
this style can enhance the decision making process.
Intuitive Decision
does it make sense to use an intuitive decision making style?
Rational Decision
overview of the characteristics, limitations, and benefits of rational decision
often than not, collaborative decision making leads to better decisions
all about control. Choosing a collaborative decision making style is about
making a choice of what level of control you want, or need, in the decision
making process.
Let's not confuse style with personality
talk about choosing to have a collaborative style because we consider a
decision making style as something you can choose when trying to make a better
decision. Style criteria considers personality, but is not defined by it. In
this case, we are not identifying how collaborative someone is (personality),
instead, we want to identify how much collaboration to choose when picking the
style for making a specific decision.
collaborative decision making the choice that you must make is the level of
collaboration to use for the decision you want to make. This applies to
personal and business decisions alike.
in the last few decades has started to look at emotional decision making with a
new perspective. Instead of having only a rational vs. emotional perspective,
work has taken a more complete view, recognizing positives as well as negative
effects of emotions in the context of making decisions.
decision making work in rational decision making focused on models that reduce
or eliminate emotional bias. Advancements in technology, particularly in
studying how our brains work, have made it possible to expand our understanding
of how emotions influence our judgment and choice selection.
Are there positive effects of emotions in decision making?
turns out that the current environment of information overload will likely lead
to a greater amount of emotional decision making. Human brain research has
suggested that, as our minds have more to process, the likelihood to decide
emotionally increases. It makes sense that less time for reflection will lead
to more decisions that seem irrational. The good news for emotions is that they
function to reduce and bound our reasoning which then creates the opportunity
to reason more fully. If we can identify which decisions can be addressed
emotionally, we generate the opportunity to make more complex decisions
other positives can include better decision efficiency, better employee
engagement in the workplace, and enhanced creativity. Becoming aware of
emotions has the benefit of correcting many emotional biases. Finding ways to
minimize decision making driven by emotional bias while making better use of
emotional intelligence can help use emotion to increase effectiveness in the
Emotions may be essential to decision making
Antonio Damasio, a neurologist known for his work on the relationship between
emotions and decision making, suggests that emotions may be fundamental to
dealing with equal options and decisions that do not have a clear rational
basis for choosing. In his 1994 book, Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason,
and the Human Brain, Damasio shows how patients with prefrontal
cortical damage cannot create the emotions necessary for effective decision-making.
In one example, his story of Elliot describes how, without emotion, he could
not make simple choices, such as which color socks to wear. This suggests that
at the point of selection, emotions may be key for choosing. Even when we
believe they are rational decisions, the actual choice may in reality be based
on emotion.
of people with ventromedial injuries, the area of the brain active in emotions,
revealed a distinct difference in response to questions that present a moral
dilemma of saving many people at the expense of one innocent. This suggests an
ongoing tension between the rational cost-benefit calculations and the
instinctive emotional decision making parts of our mind, particularly for moral
Are there emotional decision making advantages?
research has revealed a number of positive elements of emotions in decision
- A totally emotional decision is very fast in comparison to a rational decision. This is reactive (and largely subconscious) and can be useful when faced with immediate danger, or in decisions of minimal significance.
- Some studies suggest an emotional insistence to respect the life of another human being.
- Emotions may provide a way for coding and compacting experience, enabling fast response selection. This may point to why expert's "gut" level decisions have high accuracy rates.
- Emotions are possible signals from the subconscious that provide information about what we really choose.
- Decisions that start with logic may need emotions to enable the final selection, particularly when confronted with near equal options.
- Individuals care about the emotional features of decision options.
- Emotions often drive us in directions conflicting with self-interest.
decision making can also come with a number of negatives.
- We make quick decisions without knowing why, and then create rational reasons to justify a poor emotional decision.
- Intensity of emotions can override rational decision making in cases where it is clearly needed.
- Immediate and unrelated emotions can create mistakes by distorting and creating bias in judgments. In some cases this can lead to unexpected and reckless action.
- Projected emotions can lead to errors because people are subject to systemic inaccuracy about how they will feel in the future.
Decision making solutions must address emotional and
rational elements of our being
your mind is distracted with an overload of information, too many priorities
and no time to debate, the likelihood that the emotional brain will overrule
the rational one increases. Valuable decisions deserve analysis. Competition
and risk is more complex, so the demands on decision making solutions have
research in the area of emotional decision making has begun to expose the
value, benefits and difficulties that emotions present to the decision making
process. Interdependence of emotional and rational processes is powerfully
presented in recent neurobiological studies which establish that emotion is
essential in rational decision making.
How to proceed in light of this new knowledge
making solutions must work to increase the positive benefits of both rational
and emotional thought processes while providing approaches to minimize and
learn from mistakes. The flexible decision making model used by Decision
Innovation enables improvements in decision making as we learn more about how
our mind works.
When is intuitive decision making beneficial?
research into the workings of our brain has stirred the debate with respect to
intuitive decision making versus rational decision making. How much we should
rely on intuition when making difficult decisions? In his book, The Power of
Intuition, Gary Klein suggests that 90 percent of critical decisions are
made using our intuition. Even if only partially true, this would suggest that
any approach to improved decision making should address this decision making
What do we mean when we talk about intuition?
talking about intuition we are describing something that is known, perceived,
understood or believed by instinct, feelings or nature without actual evidence,
rather than by use of conscious thought, reason, or rational processes. This
does not imply that intuitive decision making is irrational. Instead, we mean
that the explanation for a choice is not directly available through conscious
or logical thought.

research points to parts of the brain that work simultaneously with our
conscious thought processes, acting as parallel intelligent systems. These
systems will create responses (usually emotional) that compete with each other
in determining a person's response. When guided by experience with a previous
pattern, these responses could be considered the result of intuition.
Problems with intuition and decision making
plays a significant role in the choices we make. Unfortunately, working alone,
intuition can be the source of significant errors in the course of making a
decision. Here are some of the problems with intuition that can be avoided with
a structured decision making process.
- Flawed information - Intuition decision making will respond quickly to inaccurate, insufficient, unreliable, or incomplete information based on patterns from previous experiences.
- Short term emotional bias - Cognitive research has shown that even experts' decisions are influenced by unrelated emotions during the time of making a decision.
- Insufficient consideration of alternatives - Intuition generally relies on pattern recognition and will point to solutions that have worked well with the current perceived pattern. This will limit considered options even though you may be dealing with a new decision situation that might require a novel or unique solution.
- Prejudices - Emotions help form our intuition and can allow flawed experiences to overrule sound facts and evidence.
- Lack of openness - Every person has a different experience base that provides the platform for their intuitions. Given that one's intuition is not easily explained, it is difficult to use intuition in a group context.
- Inappropriate application - People that have good experience, expertise, and intuition in one area can become overconfident and apply their intuition in an unfamiliar or unrelated area. This also includes using "Rules of Thumb" that may not match the needs of the current decision context.
Can intuitive decision making be learned and improved?
at MIT (Matzler, Ballom, & Mooradlan, 2007) and the Marine Corps (Krulak,
1999) believe so, and so do we. Cognitive models are continuing to be developed
and evolved that help us understand intuition and decision making. The
Recognition Primed Decision Model, developed by Gary Klein and others, suggests
that recognition of patterns or cues is an important element of intuitive
decision making, along with an ability to perform a rapid mental simulation of
how an option would perform against other previously successful outcomes. This
model, and others, point to the following approaches for improved intuitive
decision making:
- Use a structured process when time allows - This will provide a framework for capturing and learning from previous decisions. It will also guard from errors that can occur when using intuition. Our 4-step Decision Innovation process strongly leverages this approach.
- Listen better - Improved listening will ensure getting more of the situational information. The better formed the pattern, the more likely that intuition will provide a solution well matched to the problem.
- Reflect on a decision before implementing - Look for areas where emotions might be distorting your perception of the current situation.
- Examine beliefs - Are they based on reliable facts and evidence?
- Consult others - Get feedback and validate that your decision seems reasonable. Also, pay attention to disconfirming assessments.
- Communicate - The reasoning behind your intuition can sometimes be made explicit through discussion with others. Failure to do this in a business decision may undermine its implementation.
- Increase experiences - Try new things. Patterns develop from experiences. More experiences will create and shape successful patterns. This leads to better intuition.
- Learn through repetition in different environments - Repetition in different emotional environments will help improve the consistency of intuitive decision making.
- Learn to recognize and interpret your emotions - Emotions provide signals of previous patterns and experiences. Learning what they indicate and their reliability improves your ability to know when to count on your intuition.
- Create the right learning environment - Better intuitive decision making comes from making more decisions. An environment that can provide tolerance and/or low risk for mistakes, and that examines decisions without attacking the pride and dignity of the person making them, will lead to better intuitive choices.
- Use decision making games - Games simulate life and provide a low risk environment to develop the patterns that can improve intuition.
- Situational assessment and case studies - Used in business and the military (e.g., After action reviews), studying previous outcomes with a focus on the decision making processes will help build patterns for intuition.
When does it make sense to use an intuitive decision making
with the easy case, it certainly is reasonable to use intuitive decision making
for trivial or low value decisions. Decision failure will have little consequence,
and intuition will provide for a quick selection. These decisions are simple,
unimportant, and in many cases may result in habit. Choosing the same kind of
coffee everyday because you are happy with how it tastes is a good example.
that involve emotions are often subject to a fair amount of intuition and will
often play a major role in personal relationships. However, emotions can
change, and when relationships run into difficulty, do not be surprised if your
intuition is no longer generating the outcomes you expect. At these times,
relationships take work because intuitive decision making has to become more
open, explicit and rational. People find that they may need to make choices
that are not supported by their emotions.
when speed is critical to a successful outcome, expect to have to rely more
heavily on intuitive decision making. Examples include choices made in battle
or by first responders arriving at a crisis scene. In both cases, participants
undergo extensive training that helps build the experience patterns that will
improve intuition and decision making.
1.5.12. RATIONAL
DECISION MAKING - The benchmark for making effective decisions
decision making brings a structured or reasonable thought process to the act of
deciding. The choice to decide rationally makes it possible to support the
decision maker by making the knowledge involved with the choice open and
specific. This can be very important when making high value decisions that can
benefit from the help of tools, processes, or the knowledge of experts.
Characteristics of rational decision making
rationally is often characterized by the following:
- Decision making will follow a process or orderly path from problem to solution.
- There is a single best or optimal outcome. Rational decisions seek to optimize or maximize utility.
- The chosen solution will be in agreement with the preferences and beliefs of the decision maker.
- The rational choice will satisfy conditions of logical consistency and deductive completeness.
- Decision making will be objective, unbiased and based on facts.
- Information is gathered for analysis during the decision making process.
- Future consequences are considered for each decision alternative.
- Structured questions are used to promote a broad and deep analysis of the situation or problem requiring a solution.
- Risk and uncertainty are addressed with mathematically sound approaches.
the ideal case, all rational decision makers would come to the same conclusion
when presented with the same set of sufficient information for the decision
being made. This would suggest that collaborative decision making will often
employ a rational decision making process.
Problems and limitations with choosing rationally
of the issues and limitations associated with rational choice result from
falling short of the ideal proscribed in the full rational decision making
model. Here are three areas that generate much of the concern.
1. Limits of human capabilities - The limits on our human ability
to gather, process, and understand all the information needed to optimize a
decision outcome make it impractical to meet the ideal except in very
constrained or simple situations. We have limits in our ability to formulate as
well as solve very complex problems. Our desire to optimize is also limited,
and we will usually "saticfice",
or be content with acceptable solutions when confronted with obstacles.
2. Limits on information and knowledge - The model assumes we should or
can gather sufficient information in terms of quantity, quality, accuracy, and
integrity. It also assumes that we have access to the required knowledge of the
cause and effect relationships that are important to the evaluation of
alternative solutions, particularly with respect to projecting future
3. Limits in time - Search for the optimum solution
will generate a delay that could negatively impact the benefits of the chosen
alternative. In essence, if the decision alternatives are not properly
discounted for changes due to decision timing, the chosen alternative may not
be optimum.
More on decision making models
with any ideal, additional models have been developed to address the problems
with realizing the full rational model. The Bounded Rationality model
acknowledges our cognitive and environmental limits and suggests that we act
rationally within these constraints. Many decision making theories are a result
of looking at the consequences of bounded rationality.
ignorance takes a similar approach to looking at the cost of gathering
information. In this model, it is suggested that if the cost to acquire
information exceeds the benefits that can be derived from the information, it
is rational to remain ignorant. This aligns with our concept of using decision
value to limit the decision effort, ensuring an appropriate return from using a
rational decision making process (See planning decision making).
The benefits of rational choice
the limitations described above, choosing rationally can provide a number of
benefits that include:
- Addressing complex decisions by breaking them down
- Characterizing decision problems and goals to ensure addressing all needs and desires
- Being aided by structured techniques, mathematics, and computers
- Ongoing improvement when codified in a process, procedure, or program
- A long list of decision making techniques and tools with proven usefulness
- A growing capability to analyze and access the information that can improve guidance based on the facts
unable to meet the requirements of the full rational decision making model,
this ideal serves as a valuable approximation that supports predictions and decision
making with increasingly broad application. Rational approaches continue to
provide the standard for effective decision making when considered in light of
current limitations. Coping with complexity and information overload will place
greater demand on enhancing capabilities that support rational choice.
Impact of
emotions on decisions
Much research has been conducted on the various impacts
of emotion on decision-making. Studies indicate the complexity and breadth of
those impacts. Listed below are some examples of their results.
- Decision-makers who were made to consider safety concerns that induced negative emotions when deciding which car to purchase, were more likely to “choose not to choose,” or to stick with the status quo.
- Study participants who experienced “frustrated anger” were more likely to choose a high risk, high reward option in a lottery – a choice the authors categorize as “self-defeating."
- "Fearful people made pessimistic judgements of future events whereas angry people made optimistic judgements."
- Study participants who had been induced to feel sad were likely to set a lower selling price for an item they were asked to sell; the researchers suggest that selling the item would bring about a change in the participants’ circumstances and thus perhaps a positive change in mood.
- Participants with “normal emotion processing” were engaged in a card-drawing task. When drawing from “dangerous decks" and consequently experiencing losses and the associated negative emotions, they subsequently made safer and more lucrative choices. Participants with brain damage that had left them unable to experience such emotional responses, did not change their behavior in this way.
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